Today is David's birthday. He turns 36. I'm not sure if he'd be happy that I'm telling the world his age, but rest assured, he certainly doesn't act like it.
So, in honor of this oh so special day, I present to you the ten best things about David! (in no particular order, it's too hard to be Letterman)
1. He puts up with me... which is not a task to be taken lightly.
2. His determination to do a good job, almost to a fault.
3. His patience, kind of relates to the first one, but he does have amazing patience with people in general.
4. He likes to play games.
5. He tries to talk in accents and he sometimes even does it right!
6. His warm feet! It's so nice on those cold nights.
7. His willingness to help out around the house, especially since we are both working.
8. His ability to talk to anyone. I have yet to meet someone he can't strike up a conversation with.
9. He gets along with my family. Perhaps he's pretending, but I don't think he could put a front up that long.
10. And last but not least, I just think he's a whole lot o fun!
That concludes this session. If you would like to check out the picture of the birthday cake that I made him, it's posted on his blog. It turned out so well in my head, I'm not quite sure what happened... oh yeah, I don't decorate cakes for a living... you get what you get.
Happy birthday dear!