Sunday, August 10, 2008

I'm back!

K, so it's been awhile since I've updated, but I have very good reasons. We recently had a death in the family. Our little old laptop finally gave up the ghost. The powercord no longer plugs in to the computer, and since the battery lasts of all 20 minutes or so, well... yeah. It was a good little "puter" while it lasted though. And with death comes new life. We recently purchased a HP Pavilion laptop that is quickly becoming my friend. It's so quiet! It took a while to get everything situated but it is complete at last. You'll be hearing more from me, whether you like it or not... whaa ha ha haaa.

So, I finished the most recent book in the Stephanie Meyers Twighlight series. I'm dying to discuss it with someone. Has anyone else read it yet? There's so much I want to say but I'm afraid I would ruin an ending/middle for you, not that it wasn't ruined by the author already. (Did I give away too much?) Oh yeah, now you're interested. I'm afraid I'm not having the happy-joyous-everythingisohsowonderful opinion that I was sure I would have. So, if you would like to hear my opinion, let me know I'd be glad to share. Of course I may just share it anyway sometime in the future with a big "Spoiler" warning on it.

So... stay tuned and keep checking! More is sure to come!


  1. I've read all the spoilers already and I'm just iching to hate it...

    Can't wait for the review!

  2. I've read it and am looking forward to know what you thought about it. Feel free to call me or e-mail me at or we can just discuss it this upcoming weekend when we go camping.
