Sunday, June 27, 2010


I love this Sunday.  I'm outside on the deck listening to the birds sing their song.  The sounds of an airplane and rustling leaves are drifting faintly on the breeze, the world around us is quiet and I feel at peace.

What a beautiful day.  David and I woke up and he made French toast and we ate on the deck.  It reminds me of those vacations that you sometimes get where you are free from the demands of the world. There's no immediate need to do anything but just sit back and enjoy the quiet moment that you have been given.  It seems in the hustle and bustle of the world there are too few of them around.  It's nice to take advantage while you can.

There really are perks to 1:00 church.

Hope you have a good day too.


  1. Don't be alarmed when you find me (cxomplete with my fork) on your deck next Sunday...

  2. LOL! I love Tawnya.

    I would say you did just describe an idealistic vacation...yet you have it in your own house.

  3. Did somebody say french toast?? My absolute favorite. I could eat french toast until my butt fell off. If only it worked that way...

  4. You are all welcome to join me on the deck on Sunday mornings... just know that makeup and clothing besides pajamas will not be showing up.

  5. And can you write me a note to get out of missing my calling on those mornings? That would be fab.

  6. Dear whomever is in charge of Tawnya's calling,

    Please excuse Tawnya from church today, she desperately needs some time to kick up her feet, relax, and eat breakfast. You may send her assignments home with her husband along with a batch of cookies. Sincerely,


  7. Hmmm. I teach. I'm not sure I want my "assignments" to follow me home!

    However. Thanks. I think the Lord will totally understand the note.

  8. They could always accidentally fly out the car window on the way home??? It was weird how my theory homework always did that when I took piano lessons.

  9. i can't wait to see your deck!
