Thursday, April 14, 2011

Because this has been a great day after all

Normally I write my thoughts and have them post the next morning, but today is different.  Today I have felt so abundantly blessed. 


1.  I have been given hope.  Literally.  And it made me cry, and not in a bad way.  In the way that you cry because you just can't get over the thoughtfulness of people who are thinking of you and go out of their way to show it.  Thank you Tawnya, seriously made my day and I'm still teary but just a bit.

2.  Have I ever told you have I have the best neighborhood?  Well, it's true.  I just love it.  Love that we're here, love the people that are here too.

3.  I have the coolest doctor's office.  Seriously.  Got an invitation in the mail from the Reproductive Care Center inviting us to "The Annual RCC Patient Party".  It's a BBQ in the park and there are drawings for prizes like: 50% off an IVF cycle, and cash rewards of $500-$1000.  There will be petting zoos, pony rides, crafting, and all sorts of fun things.  Does your doctor's office do that for you?  Well do they?  Didn't think so.  Yep, the coolest doctor's office ever.

4.  I got to take pictures of a dear friend's 3-month old today.  He's getting pretty good at holding his head up and his smile lights up his whole face.  It's fun to see him grow and most of all it's fun to spend time with a friend.

There truly is sunshine in my soul today.  And it's a good thing because it certainly isn't shining so much outside my window right now.

Love to you all!


  1. I am so happy that you love it. SO HAPPY. And it's true. There is always hope.

    Love you!

  2. Lora, you were the bright spot of my day... thanks for taking your happy heart and bringing it my way. It really meant a lot to me. A LOT. WOW!

    I'm so happy that you feel hopeful, that is a good place to be in! :)
