Friday, February 8, 2013

CY365: More than one

I loved this prompt.  It make me think about my single days and then the early married days and then now.  How much different life turned out than I had planned!  Different in a good way.  Different in ways that I never thought I would end up appreciating.

Those of you who know my story, or rather our story, know that David and I had a difficult time finding each other in the first place.  Then we had an even more difficult time getting Ben.  In fact we didn't think we'd get him at all.  I never want to forget those struggles because they helped us become who we are.  I never want to forget because trials teach compassion.  Because empathy goes a long way.  Because I never want to take for granted the more than oneness that I have.

Happy Friday.  May your weekend be just what you hope for.

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