Monday, April 7, 2008

New pics from former days, okay just from Easter.

Okay, so these were just too cute. This is my niece Nessa, she going to be 3 in June. She has decided to be a princess and she informed me that she was waiting for her prince to kiss her and marry her. She's pictured here dying Easter eggs and every time she took an egg out of the yellow dye she would say "What a beautiful lellow egg." It's really too cute. She's one of those you can't get too mad at, even when she is less than 'princess-like' because she's too cute. Just ask her.

This is Melissa, Nessa, Griffen, and Laurelyn. It was quite the party at Mom's house for Easter. We all had dyed fingers for the occasion.


  1. Hey! Good to see you blogging! We also submitted to peer pressure and have a blog.
    I was just thinking of you yesterday, Lora. I'm taking a history of Utah class at the U (just for the heck of it) and we talked about Topaz yesterday. I already knew all about it, thanks to you, and was able to actually contribute to the class - which is very rare. I do hope you get that paper published.
    Lots of love and good to hear to has a fun filled Easter!!

  2. Wow, terrible grammar in that last post. Many apologies.
