Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Just me

I'm at a particularly low point today. I'm not sure why. I got enough sleep, I ate enough... I just feel blue. I want to run away from everything and head up into the mountains and just sit. I want to sit and listen to nature, the trees, the insects, the river. I want to commune with nature. I want to feel of God's majesty and not be in my living room. I want to listen to soul-searching music... the kind that lets you look inward and feel with your soul. I want to close my eyes and drift. I want to smell the ocean and the pine trees. I want all of my vision to be encompassed by simple beauty. I want to see with eyes that are not grounded on this world. I want to look beyond what is in front of my face. I want to lose myself in the moment. I want to feel the wind in my hair and on my bare skin. I want the sun to dance on my hair. I want to stop the day to day madness and remember myself. I want to be me... not someone else. Not someone else's perception of who they think I should be. Just me.


  1. Man. I'm so right there with you.

  2. I hope you feel more like YOU today! And BTW, beautifully written. Wish I had your gift of expressing thought.
    Your sister-Sully :)

  3. Sorry to hear you are down. Hang in there, I know you are going through a lot personally right now.

  4. Thanks for the encouragement. I'm actually feeling better today. Sometimes you just need to get it out. So thanks for listening.

  5. It's hormones...... enjoy them while you've gottem. Joy in the right now is a hard place to find.
