Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Tuesday Photo

I firmly believe that January would be more enjoyable if I had left this little guy up... and maybe the Christmas lights too.  sigh.


  1. Amen to that. January is useless!

  2. cute cute... I have to agree... January can be over already.

  3. Agreed- can we just skip to March? I know why February is so short: they couldn't handle it anymore and gave in to the next month. So why on earth is January still 31 days? At least there is sunshine and blue skies today even if it's only 3 degrees right now.

  4. I guess there is something to be said from the land of "it could be worse" the sun is shining and it appears to be warm even if it's not. And it could be all inverted and stuff so yeah, positive attitude, positive attitude, positive attitude (Ray, you're chanting Ray). :)

  5. In my Camelot world- (the middle not the end) We could have snow and 74 degrees at the same time!!!

  6. I do like the idea of a middle Camelot world. Snow can be so picturesque and I would like it a lot more if I could at least go out occasionally with less than three layers.
